お出かけ の時に 便利 な 靴べら はありますか。Do you have a shoehorn that comes in handy when you go out?



Todoro sells Sunoko, a portable shoehorn that can be stored in your wallet, business card holder, or pass case. Sunoko is extremely thin and can be stored in your wallet, business card holder, or pass case.

Please see the product page below for details.

sunoko (携帯用靴べら Portable shoehorn)

 sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.

sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.sunoko 財布にしまえる最も薄いカード型の携帯用靴べら The thinnest portable shoehorn you can store this in your wallet.

sunoko (携帯用靴べら Portable shoehorn)